Hal houle. Hal Houle has many systems, so you start from a false premise. Hal houle

 Hal Houle has many systems, so you start from a false premiseHal houle I've been trying to do this exact way how Stan Shuffett explained in his video which I don't have anymore

Hal Houle definitely made life easier for the aiming process of pocketing balls. Directly quoting Mr. To Hal Houle for seeking me out in Denver and introducing me to aiming systems. Both are deadly ways to pocket balls, contrary to what has been claimed by a small. Condolences to his wife and family. Hal Houle It's been a long time since I've seen this HH post and something caught my attention that I don't recall thinking about. The idea behind the slip stroke is minimizing the length that your cue moves on the back stroke. this particular HAL HOULE aiming system. He said Hal Houle wants to meet you today. I want to credit Hal rightly so don't confuse Houle's Pivot Aim with his controversial fractions and degrees aim system. Still doing it. hal houle. I believe Fez, Jimmy, and Ralph Greenleaf, were partners. . . The common fractional-ball aiming system, sometimes referred to as Hal Houle’s 3-angle system. In my opinion if you HONESTLY wanted to learn CTE then. I was very lucky yesterday to spend a day visiting Hal Houle. I thought to myself, that idea. SHISHKABOB is similar to CTE in that there are 3 spots to aim at like CTE. Directly quoting Mr. I read morhts article but I would like further clarification. To Dave Segal for being so vocal about what. By: Search Advanced search…Secret Aiming Systems ™ Coach (THE designated successor to Hal Houle, inventor of many of the Aiming Systems) Professor: Billiard University; Certified PAT ™ Examiner (the Playing Ability Test) Founder: Elephant Balls, Ltd. most of philipeno player are using Busty. And who would have been the first to do it? YOU GUESSED IT IF YOU SAID PAT JOHNSON, who was the first in 1997 to go after Hal Houle on RSB and then other users. There are many Great's with completely different strokes and "aiming" methods. that includes reyes, souquet, archer, ortman, bustamante, and on and on. Hal Houle . Once he showed me which bulb and where on the object ball, it magically went in the hole. way I aim is I am alway shooting cue ball center but I am using the edge of the shaft. S. . Apr 24, 2017 #98 cookie man said: I got immediate results from CTE. I hope it does not relate to fraction aiming because I don't feel comfortable with that. Hal Houle learned that through CTE a player can quickly tap into the purity of aiming. Both of these men have spent a lot of time figuring out alternative ways to line up to the shot. S. systems that he currently endorses. I'll never be a good player, but I try all the time to improve. Jan 16, 2020. I have been playing pool since I was seven, shining shoes in bars, I'm 63. For the newer amongst you who have been reading about Hal Houle and his systems, here is a description that is I believe in his own words. By: Search Advanced search…Fellow CTE Enthusiasts, If I could get an answer to this one hurdle in my CTE learning journey I would be thrilled. I am not writing for you. . Note: I'm not saying that Hal came up with the light theory. Please take a look and let me know if you can think of any important terms or phrases not included. Joey: But what is your system to aim? Efren: I aim for pocket. I like Mike's method in actual games, makes things much easier, no thinking or guessing. By: Search Advanced search…However, Hal Houle (there's that name again) also created a STICK AIMING SYSTEM that had nothing to do with CENTERS and EDGES. Efren: Oh, aim. pj chgo . I have been playing pool lately with a older gentlemen, who has owned numerous pool rooms over the years in the San Jose area. Hal Houle told this story to me a good number of years ago and he told it to everyone he talked to on the phone starting back in the 1990's. that includes reyes, souquet, archer, ortman, bustamante, and on and on. Takes his three angles and makes aiming easier to teach. . Although, like San Jose Dick, the math is over my head and the physics lingo wrecks my game because I am thinking about when I play, I KNOW that there is merit to these systems and I will rejoice when the math and science guys figure it out and give people like Hal Houle and Ron V. My schedule for lessons is resuming as usual and all courses will reflect the newly redefined CTE/PRO ONE Aiming System. Began instructing pool in 1945. Stan Shuffett, a pool player and instructor from Kentucky, took deep interest in CTE and refined it to his own system known as CTE Pro/One. I hear Stan Shuffet is coming out with a free video on U Tube to explain "center to edge" aiming. He was always experimenting with aiming systems and knowledge he acquired over the years from. There are a lot of 'instructors' selling players on various ideas they claim are magic bullets. Once you become trained to see nothing but those 3 lines and completely eliminate CONTACT POINTS strung across the OB and CB to link. right quarter,and right edge. I believe Fez, Jimmy, and Ralph Greenleaf, were partners. Recently, I've started playing more and. In this example the pot required is a thinner hit than half ball, lets say 35 degrees. As one of the 1st Hooligans from RSB, I thank you very much for the book and thousands of hours of. I have shown Hal Houle's quarters system to APA 3s and 4s and watched them start making shots way above their skill level. To zero in on A or C, I simply line up the edge of the cueball to B first, as this is a very. My name is Hal Houle. But, center-to-edge aiming is only one part. Aiming ConversationHal Houle (rhymes with pool) gave his knowledge free of charge and welcomed anyone to call him at any time to learn more about his aiming systems. After watching multiple. . I then listened to them for several more hours while on my route as a mailman today so I could really let it sink into my subconscious. Maybe it was already a given between us and we worked on other things. pj chgo . CENTER, 1/2 WAY BETWEEN CENTER AND EDGE, AND EDGE. I will use every comment by you that fits that goal and there are many. None of them were related to math and geometry. Anybody know?dunno if the user named "halhoule" is the real thing, but he seems to be spamming this 'efren reyes aiming system' stuff + a phone number to people. Since the book teaches us that a 15 inside and a 30 outside are interchangeable, if there's some lingering doubt which one to utilize, we're on safe ground in shooting it with a 30 outside. By: Search Advanced search…Hal Houle developed over 20 aiming systems that had nothing to do with contact points or fractions. i teach professional aiming systems. My goal, to which I am willing to dedicate a good amount towards, is to promote the aiming systems of Hal Houle and those who teach them. It has NO 7 fractions along the face of the OB. So far I have shown beginners and advanced players alike this system and they are all pocketing balls in the center of. he said he doesn't have to!!! lol that's classic right there!Hal Houle was without a doubt the greatest LATERAL THINKER in history when it came to POOL AIMING SYSTEMS! He developed over 20 aiming systems for pool and each one was way OUTSIDE THE BOX VISUALLY and in PERFORMANCE. )From the very first ball i hit with Hal Houle on the other end of the phone . According to both the inventor of CTE (Hal Houle) and Stan himself, Stan Shuffet’s CTE Pro One only works because the table has 2x1 dimensions. On the first occasion I spoke to him for a while, and then I played on the adjacent table while he schooled a couple people for several hours. :grin-square: Perhaps the video will be large enough to honor Hal Houle for what he created. This is just what I've heard. If the dimensions are other than 2x1, logically, then CTE will no longer work. A few years ago I was working on an aiming system of my own design (as far as I know this is my own design, I may have been inspired by something I've seen, but I don't think so). Was great to hear his stories. His gem being Center To Edge. Fez was also very good friends with Ralph Greenleaf who was also traveling the country with financially backed by. ". Spent 9:30 to 4:30 at Stan's place yesterday. " Meeting Hal made me addicted to information. I don't have the numbers anymore, as they were in a notebook I can. Hal Houle was the first that I heard of that was teaching it, and I believe it was his system. Cherished mother of. The blue line is the initial line up method that you would manually have come to with just eying the shot. Forum omniscient ones scoffed, belittled, and beat it into the ground mainly. M is aiming by the numbers. ” In TP A. Silver Member. I lived in Greeley, about an hour away from Denver at the time. I came into this multi-decade argument a few months ago after having learned basic CTE from Hal years ago. The main reason why CTE is COMPLETE BULLSHIT (and, I’m sure, made up as somebody’s joke to show how dumb people are), is that there’s no discussion in it. People think they know more than they do - and they act like cyber bullies. Hal Houle. Glad you had a chance to see a real pool room. Dec 25, 2014 #7 there is no way to calculate such a thing. Hal Houle knew Greenleaf and probably Fez. Stan Shuffett refined it and it is called "CTE Pro One". . Conversely I have shown aiming systems to some good players and had them give me a confused look and decide that they didn't want to bother with it EVEN IF they agreed that it might help them. Instruction & Ask the pros. By: Search Advanced search…Hal houle is the creator of this system. Hal Houle I totally agree. 5railkick said: I read on the other forum that Hal uses a 2 angle method to aim every shot. Here is a description of an early version of CTE taught by Hal Houle: For a “thick hit” (a small cut angle, less than about 15°) to the left: Align the cue 1 tip to the right of the CB center through the right edge of the OB. Daughter of the late Anton and Elizabeth Heinsen. Instruction & Ask the pros. What is the Supposed Phenomenon of Center to Edge Aiming? This thread is an attempt to garner for ALL concerned. points") with either edge of the OB is the simplest way to think of it, but you can use several combinations of the fourths on both balls to. "Hal" Harold G. Hal is 83 and has forgotten more about pool than I will ever know. Just sayin'. If there were 10. See this image: The pivot point is the pink dot on the cue. Silver Member. Hal Houle's Aiming Center to Edge etc. To Freddie Agnir and others for spending time on the table showing what you learned from Hal and being willing to help. Nothing any more complicated than those 3 lines. Most of my aiming is based on several of the things he taught me. He never charged for lessons, often given over the phone. Some people do it automatically while others spend hours and many aiming systems trying to find it. Thank you thank you thank you. Without having tried this method on the table I want to acknowledge the spirit of innovation that exists that motivates players to run with concept of. There is nothing on Earth Stan or Hal Houle could have done without getting blasted for one thing or another. It's not, every combination of perception, left or right cut, sweep or pivot direction, etc,,,, will result in the same. . Article posted in: Billiards Forum -> Cue Sports -> Pool Playing Tips -> Aiming and Execution Tutorials. There are literally a zillion possible shots on a 5,000 square inch playing surface. His name has been on and off fourms for years. Let me know which one was your favorite in the comments! I’m really looking forward to making more micro two piece hauls with my friends so if you liked this one make sure to let me know :) My favorite Bikini from this haul was the last one! Check out Dare and Codee!Hal Houle was without a doubt the greatest LATERAL THINKER in history when it came to POOL AIMING SYSTEMS! He developed over 20 aiming systems for pool and each one was way OUTSIDE THE BOX VISUALLY and in PERFORMANCE. There is a link for an interview with Jimmy and Rick Owens, his relative, just before he passed. If anyone knows what it is supposed to be, then I. He has never stopped after 25 years. Hal is 83 and has forgotten more about pool than I will ever know. Adored wife of the late Harold "Hal" Houle. I don't understand half of Spidey's post but I compeletly understand what he means. Pro's try to explain how they "Aim". Jul 25, 2005. When you’re two steps ahead, you’re a crackpot. . The main reason why CTE is COMPLETE BULLSHIT (and, I’m sure, made up as somebody’s joke to show how dumb people are), is that there’s no discussion in it. Eventually, I became his successor. By: Search Advanced search…That obviously changes the point of contact along the NISL, which in turn results in a different angle after contact. JoeyInCali Maker of. View more. Both are deadly ways to pocket balls, contrary to what has been claimed by a small. Those who have learned CTE and become successful with it. You came to aiming systems because of all the discussion and development of systems that Hal developed. By: Search Advanced search…So perhaps if it bugs you then skipping the threads would be the best thing to do. How does Hal Houle’s three-angle system work? Hal Houles’ 3-angle system is a type of fractional-ball aiming system. Nov 12, 2019 - Answers to frequently-asked questions about Hal Houle's 3-angle aiming system. You are referring to Hal Houles aiming system. I watched all dvds I listed above and they are some good and some bad. Mary Lou Houle 04/11/1930 - 11/21/2022Mary Lou Houle, resident of Toledo, Ohio, passed away November 21, 2022 at the age of 92. Aiming that point to the object ball's center or edge is a surprisingly good starting point. Then carried it over to here when this site was put. No, it's because their only target is and has been CTE, Hal Houle, and now Stan which started 18 years ago. Hals's version started with an "inside cue tip" placement on the CB aiming to the same three spots on the OB as this guy and then pivoting back to center. So much easier it's mind numbing. The one we've heard about here is the. ) For this column I've also spoken to BCA instructor Tom Simpson, who graciously put me in contact with Houle. 11, I show that these aims are equivalent to 3/4-, 1/2-, and 1/4-ball-hits and the 15- and 45° angles are not exact. Koop - it works, I'm just not smart enough to grasp itOn the other hand, in honor of Hal Houle I can also say there is only one shot on a pool table! Hu Click to expand. So, since I'm in an endless training period, I had to have one. You can go past center to get to outside . C. This is Low500 at N. Recognizing. I shared this with a friend, and he wanted to draw diagrams. Jul 21, 2008. Dec 25, 2014 #7 there is no way to calculate such a thing. "Hal" Houle, age 82, passed away on May 29, 2014. I can unabashedly say that I stole the Sailor's system en toto and reproduced it in my book. Hal Houle had ways of explaining and doing it and we definitely know where you're coming from when his name is mentioned. M is a visual aiming method. Barbara Houle. E. The questions is how many have even CONSIDERED. When you slip stroke, you are essentially stopping the cue during the back stroke, and quickly sliding your hand back further on the cue, grabbing the cue. 5 years ago. REP to you dave. Hal is no longer with us, but fortunately, he showed his breakthrough systems to many players. . NO ADJUSTMENT IS NECESSARY unless you have situations like sticky/dirty balls or highly polished balls. I hoped that he would chime in and help explain away the apparent dilemma. Silver Member. Hal and I had only a phone relationship, never having met him in person. Basically, the claim is there are only three different aims for all cut shots: a “15° cut,” a “30° cut,” and a “45° cut. I've been trying to do this exact way how Stan Shuffett explained in his video which I don't have anymore. Would anyone who was taught by Hal,or have any stories they would like to share about the man Hal Houle, and give us. If you want. sacman AzB Silver Member. It has NEVER been enforced on those members who have free reign to say whatever they want negatively or disparagingly about Hal Houle, Stan Shuffett, CTE, Shishkabob, and students and usersJUST FINISHED reading mosconis autobiography for the tenth time. CTE is a pre-shot routine that involves the use of the line from the center of the cue ball through the outside edge of the object ball (from the intended pocket. Hal Houle Point and Pivot System. Aiming ConversationSearch titles only. cte doubters and all the other ways to make a ball WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE to. . you read his posts and you know he doesn't have a clear understanding about these pivot systems and he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Search titles only. Freddie <~~~ like Farmer’s Insurance . His method consisted of the ABC lines on the object ball and the center and edge of the cue ball. . " Hal's greatest joy was. Ron Vitello also teaches one that is dubbed 90/90 which is also incredibly precise and accurate. Apparently he had many aiming systems. . As I stated in another post, Hal Houle had over 20 other aiming systems beside CTE. . That reference said he was from Boston. I'm still confused on the exact steps of stepping the cueball. Rodney Morris - portions of the object ball - from a personal interview with him in 2003 - no idea about currently. i do not charge you for anything, it is simple enough that i can teach you over the phone. I have to say that Hal Houle gave me the aiming perspective that I use about 90 percent of the time. Examples include Hal Houle’s 3angle system- , CTE, and SAM. I have played around with CTE for ~ 2 years. 3 angles for all shots, on any size pool table, including snooker & bar tables. I have been using it for a few years with very good results. instructors do not have a clue about aiming systems. By: Search Advanced search…Specifically in regards to CTE? We've gone from it can't work to it can't work as advertised. – Hal Houle’s 3-angle system – Hit-A-Million-Balls (HAMB) aiming system – How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – limited lines or alignments of aim – midpoint parallel-shift aiming system – 90/90 pivot-based aiming system. Conversely I have shown aiming systems to some good players and had them give me a confused look and decide that they didn't want to bother with it EVEN IF they agreed that it might help them. Hale played high school basketball at Jordan High School in Sandy, Utah from 1960 to 1962 and won a state championship. Unfortunately, it might be expensive to call him from your house in Russia. Search titles only. I am proficient at ghost ball and contact points, I just was looking into a system to double check my aim if I am uncertain. Stan's Truth series illuminates the secrets of CTE that Hal Houle purposefully failed to provide when he first discussed this aiming system. There are 3 court records for "Paul Houle" in "Broward County". . 11, I show that these aims are equivalent to 3/4-, 1/2-, and 1/4-ball-hits and the 15- and 45° angles. I just. By: Search Advanced search…23 years ago Hal Houle threw out a claim and teaser on an early internet group called Rec. Stan has worked on the center to edge system over the past 10 years and refined it into a method called “Pro One. I've shot pool for a good portion of my life but never took it to the next level. Instruction & Ask the pros. “When you’re one step ahead of the crowd you’re a genius. ”. He has a beautiful 4 1/2 x 9 Diamond table and light. I do have a slight background as I have had some interaction with some of the CTE names. Nov 12, 2019 - Answers to frequently-asked questions about Hal Houle's 3-angle aiming system. Hal is no longer with us, but fortunately, he showed. Problem is, he had to stand there and correct me on every shot because I just didn't get it. Gold Member. . I would telephone every few months checking in with him or he would call me and we would talk. By: Search Advanced search…Search titles only. pj chgo . Hal Houle . Yes, the process is VISUAL and pivot based with VERY strong math and geometric support. To Freddie Agnir and others for spending time on the table showing what you learned from Hal and being willing to help. From what I know of the Hal Houle point and pivot system, it has to do with actually pivoting the cue itself slightly. By: Search Advanced search…I'm grateful for you Stan and for Hal houle. His best results are winning a stage in. Your mind’s eye can easily perceive each of the 500 shots referenced above as ‘one’. They could care less about 90/90 or the SEE System. By: Search Advanced search…Years ago, in a galaxy far, far away (in RSB, an internet pool newsgroup before AZ came along) he labeled Hal Houle a heretic for preaching this mystical and magical system called CTE. H. Tom simpson will be glad to teach it to you for a fee. . Or match what is on the. The step by step process will be revealed. Several thousand players have been trained and over 200 new instructors produced since 1995 through the National Billiard Academy. RecSportBilliards in 1996. instructors do not have a clue about aiming systems. It's not, every combination of perception, left or right cut, sweep or pivot direction, etc,,,, will result in the same. . . . I think Hal was largely correct in that assessment. . I've been reading this board faithfully for nearly a decade, yet I've never heard mention of Ralph Greenleaf being a drunk. Yes, I aim to put ball in pocket. good evening America. I believe. and I get all da rolls. . It is a Small World After all. #1. His credentials are very impressive, with Pro player being one of his accomplishments. He started all of his destruction of aiming systems, Hal Houle, CTE, etc. A lot of my terminology might be a little outdated but once you lock in your visuals, what is the precise order of. and let's go to press. – Hal Houle’s 3-angle system – Hit-A-Million-Balls (HAMB) aiming system – How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) – limited lines or alignments of aim – midpoint parallel-shift aiming system – 90/90 pivot-based aiming system – parallel-lines systems – Perfect Aim – pivot-based system issues – Pro One – shaft-edge aiming system The common fractional-ball aiming system, sometimes referred to as Hal Houle’s 3-angle system. gentlemen - upside down glasses are the NUTS. i teach professional aiming systems. By: Search Advanced search…HEY GUYS MY 2 CENTS the CTE devotees we know who you are EVERYONE ELSE. . After all, his wife Sonny says her husband spent the better part of a decade in the garage working on diagrams and other pool-related drawings. It was posted here about 6. But, sorry to disappoint because IT DOES WORK. It is not CTE but it IS a Hal Houle aiming system called SHISKABOB. He has created several different systems to help people play better. Search titles only. Im guessing this is based on possible points for the QB and object ball. He is a rather famous pool instructor who teaches pool to professional pool players and amateurs alike. As per Hal Houle, CTE DOES NOT work with the vision center directly over the actual shot line, or NISL as Stan describes it. That's going to change. Ron Vitello also teaches one that is dubbed 90/90 which is also incredibly precise and accurate. instructors do not have a clue about aiming systems. . Hal, what he created, and those who followed will live forever. Most would say 2 + 2 = 4, others 1 + 3 = 4, 3 + 1 = 4 or 1. I've met Hal a few times. Ask The InstructorIt's a useless question, no one knows. Hal Houle was a very unique individual! Hal was intelligent, had a great wit and lived a long, varied and interesting life. The Sailor's aiming system, which I detail in my book, is to me the only accurate way to aim at a pool ball. The pro's answer would be 4 + 0 = 4. . If the dimensions are other than 2x1, logically, then CTE will no longer work. S. . If you want to learn more about these and other -shot aiming systems, seecut the . The best person to ask is Hal himself. . Anyways, CTE had been a point of discussion on RSB and Hal calls me one afternoon and starts off with, "Lou, this is Hal Houle. "CTE naturally aligns CB-OB relations as an overcut to. I don't usually visit or participate in forums other than the "Mail Forum," and maybe others are the same way. . left side of shaft to right left and right side of the shaft to go right. Yes. My name is Hal Houle. . CTE PRO. 484 623 4144" I must admit I was a little nervous calling him out of the blue to talk about one of the most highly controversial and heated topics that has ever been discussed on the AZbilliards website--Aiming one sphere to another sphere the same way but at different distances and getting the same consistent result. A key factor in CTE is that the shooter learns to largely disengage his conscious mind from the aiming process. A. . If the graph below actually represents the variety of. Army and was stationed in Germany during the Korean Conflict. For every shot that there is an angle, there is throw on the object ball. View more. Since I first met him in July 2007, I felt as though I wasted 15 years of my pool life. I think asking someone about contact points would be like asking them the answer to x + y = 4. In light of DCP's thread, I'm curious to what everyone thinks about what realistic goals a player who is serious about the game should set? And also a. Stan Shuffett, a pool player and instructor from Kentucky, took deep interest in CTE and refined it to his own system known as CTE Pro/One. Hal was not a great teacher, and did not really understand how or why most of the systems worked. The pro's answer would be 4 + 0 = 4. I think Hal's latest way of describing it, the "3-point" version where. The best person to ask is Hal himself. My question is greenleaf won all his championships on a five by ten and mosconis. What's this fixation with aiming? It's a personal thing. He was born on November 4, 1931, in Darby, Pennsylvania. . For example when Hal Houle introduced the tern “Backhand English,” the Aim&Pivot Method had already been around for ten or twenty years earlier (I’d already incorporated in my game by that time), and a diagram of the same concept existed some hundred years earlier. I am aiming base on the hal houle system but using the edge of shaft to aiming point. The quality was amazing and I can’t wait to take pics in these two piece sets. . These were all results of his own thought experiments and practical applications on the table. it's magic. GaryB AzB Silver Member. Stan called this phenomenon “something that was. I think asking someone about contact points would be like asking them the answer to x + y = 4. By: Search Advanced search…Some of the personalities go back 15 years or more where we had the same disagreements about Hal Houle's "3 angles" fractional system on RSB. By: Search Advanced search…We all need to practice our aiming as much as possible - that's how we get good at it. The Hal Houle Point and Pivot system is a billiard aiming system that uses the geometry, layout, and design of a pool table, as well as some common assumptions to help you determine the appropriate spot on the object ball to strike with the cue ball. Stan took it beyond the pivot by making it a true visual system which is Pro1. As most of you know, Hal was known for being devious in explaining CTE and that created a lot of misunderstanding about it. from Hal Houle: There are only 3 angles for any shot, on. Both of these men are right. On the first occasion I spoke to him for a while, and then I played on the adjacent table while he schooled a couple people for several hours. These guys want to act like it's supposed to be some magical event that Stan claims makes the ball. . How does this work. THE 3 LINES. No personal. Search titles only. Joey: You know, Hal Houle's center to edge aiming system? Efren: Oh, my english. ALL of which had a pivot including CTE. A and C are the object ball quarters. Hal Houle developed over 20 aiming systems that had nothing to do with contact points or fractions.